Thursday, December 14, 2006

Podcast: Commenting on Toronto's Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

The following commentary is provided by Rudiger Simpson, the voice of MAMMALUKE RADIO.

For this week's podcast, I briefly discuss Toronto's charity organization Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and how 80 cents from every dollar donated goes to administration fees and the rest goes to the cause of stopping drunk drivers. 

Those stats are embarrassing and thank God for the Toronto Star who brought this matter to the public. The only problem here is that M.A.D.D. is conducting their own internal review by there own lawyers and accountants.

The C.E.O. of M.A.D.D. is this week's MAMMALUKE, who's too drunk to decide which percentage of the donations goes towards the organization's cause. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Calling someone a MAMMALUKE at the end of every show? PRICELESS!!

Any more info on the jogger? That usually makes lots of local news, but I can't remember hearing anything about it.